Oslo CTP - Nov 2009
けど、 本名 "SQL Server Modeling" ってなによ~。 PDC09 前から噂されてたけど、 Oslo って結局 SQL Server 専用の DB 設計ツールになっちゃうのかなぁ
Microsoft Download Center : SQL Server Modeling CTP - Nov 2009
Brief Description
SQL Server Modeling (formerly code name "Oslo") is (…後略)
Quick Details
File Name: SQLServerModelingCTPNov09.exe
Version: 2009.11
Date Published: 11/16/2009
Language: English
Download Size: 48.7 MB
The components of the SQL Server Modeling CTP are:
- “M” is a highly productive, developer friendly, textual language for defining schemas, queries, values, functions and DSLs for SQL Server databases
- “Quadrant” is a customizable tool for interacting with large datasets stored in SQL Server databases
- SQL Server Modeling Services is a SQL Server role for the secure sharing of models between applications and systems
For more details on this download, see the release notes. Details on all the CTP technologies can be found on the MSDN Data Developer Center.
開発環境としては、 SQL Server 2008 ( Express 可 ) と Visual Studio 2010 Beta2 が必要です。
MSDN ライブラリーには、 すでにドキュメントが公開されています。 ( まだ "Oslo" のまま f(^^; ) ⇒ MSDN Library: Microsoft Modeling Platform (英語)
また、 MSDN の Data Developer Center サイトには、 "SQL Server Modeling Services" のページもあります。
日本語の解説は、 1年前の CTP に基づく情報ですが、 今年の MSDN マガジン 2月号に掲載された記事 ( 翻訳者の手による翻訳です ) があります。
"Oslo" プラットフォームでメタデータ ベースのアプリケーションを構築する
Chris Sells
Microsoft では、 メタデータ定義用の共通ツール セットを提供し、 通常のアプリケーションデータと同じ機能セットが使用できる場所にメタデータを格納できるように、 データ駆動型アプリケーションの構築プラットフォームである "Oslo" を開発中です。 "Oslo" は 3 つの要素で構成されます。 まとめて "M" と呼ばれる言語ファミリ、 "Quadrant" と呼ばれるビジュアル データ操作ツール、 リポジトリと呼ばれるデータ ストアの 3 つです。
・ ( Oct. 30, 2007 ) Microsoft Press Release: Microsoft Unveils Vision and Road Map to Simplify SOA, Bridge Software Plus Services, and Take Composite Applications Mainstream
・ ( 2007/10/31 ) Enterprise Watch: 米Microsoft、SOAプロジェクト「Oslo」を発表
・ ( 2007年11月12日 - 原文は Nov 06, 2007 ) InfoQ: Osloは発表した、だが急げMicrosoft !
・ ( 2008/9/10 - 原文は 2008-09-08 ) ITmedia: MSのソフトウェアモデリングプラットフォーム「Oslo」の原点
・ ( 2008年10月28日 - 原文は 2008-10-27 ) ITmedia: 「M」言語にフォーカス:Microsoftが「Oslo」のコンポーネントをリリース
・ ( 2009年8月19日 - 原文は August 17th, 2009 ) ZDNet Japan: マイクロソフト、モデリングプラットフォーム「Oslo」を(再度)変更
次は、 末尾に挙げたの ZDNet の記事より。
ZDNet Japan: マイクロソフト、モデリングプラットフォーム「Oslo」を(再度)変更
「Entity Framework (EF)」、 XML、 「ADO.NET」、 ツール/設計ツールなどを担当するデータプログラマビリティチームが Oslo チームと合体するという。 Oslo チームは、 “M”言語 (以前は“D”だった)、 ツールの「Quadrant」、 モデリングレポジトリなどの開発を進めている。
ここ数カ月、 開発チームは Oslo の位置づけを変え、 プラットフォームのモデリングの部分にのみ「Oslo」という言葉を用いている。 WF 4.0、 WCF 4.0、 Dublin、 その他の2010年春にリリースを予定している“.NET 4.0”の派生物は、 Oslo の一部と位置づけていない。
では現在、 Osloとは何を指すのか? Purdy氏は4月に、 以下のように定義している。
現在 “Oslo” という言葉は、 モデリング -- 単なるデータスタックの技術用語に過ぎない -- の部分を指す。
あ。 MSDN に November 2009 付けで出てる Oslo FAQ に、 いろいろ書いてあるなぁ。 そのうち消されるだろうから、 ごっそり貼り付けておこう。 f(^^;
Microsoft "Oslo" Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: November 2009
Q. So what happened to “Oslo”?
A. The technologies referred to as Microsoft code name “Oslo”, which have been released in several Community Technology Previews (CTPs), are alive and well, and Microsoft is still committed to their development. As of PDC 2009, the “Oslo” name has been retired. The technologies are being referred to as the SQL Server Modeling CTP.
Q. Why change the name from “Oslo” to SQL Server Modeling CTP at this time?
A. When “Oslo” was first introduced in 2007, it included a wide range of technologies and initiatives. Over time, different pieces of this original “Oslo” found ship vehicles in specific products, or found new homes as part of other efforts going on within Microsoft. As of PDC 2008, what remained under the name of “Oslo” were specific technologies related to modeling and to Microsoft SQL Server. As a result, there has been ongoing confusion as to what “Oslo” is and what it isn’t. To clarify the purpose of the modeling technologies, then, the collection is being called the SQL Server Modeling CTP and we’re working on specific names for its various components.
Q. What names have you settled on for the specific “Oslo” technologies, namely code name “M”, code name “Quadrant”, and the “Repository”?
A. We’re still working on new names for “M” and “Quadrant”. We’ve settled on SQL Server Modeling Services to describe what was called the “Oslo” repository along with the built-in “Oslo” domains such as the Common Language Runtime (CLR) domain, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) domain, the Identity domain, and others.
Q. What are the technical components of the SQL Server Modeling CTP?
A. The SQL Server Modeling CTP has three core technical components:
- SQL Server Modeling Services
These services include the Repository, a SQL Server database enhanced with capabilities for the storage of model schemas and instances. These capabilities include patterns for the consistent partitioning, versioning, securing, relating, and localization of models. The SQL Server Modeling Services also include a number of built-in domains such as the Common Language Runtime (CLR), Unified Modeling Language (UML), and System.Identity.- "M" modeling language
"M" is a highly productive, developer friendly, textual language for defining model schema and instances. Models created with "M" lend themselves to progressive refinement and relational linking to each other.- "Quadrant" modeling tool
"Quadrant" is a customizable tool for visualizing and interacting with relational data stored in SQL Server databases. "Quadrant" helps developers quickly navigate large datasets and get answers to questions that require understanding the relationships between models.
Q. Who are the intended users of the SQL Server Modeling CTP?
These technologies are initially focused on architects and developers building customizable frameworks and database applications. Over time we expect our partners to broaden the set of role specific scenarios by applying SQL Server Modeling CTP technologies to their specific domains. Some potential examples include: conceptual modeling with UML, building web sites with ASP.NET, and managing services with Microsoft System Center.
Q. When will the SQL Server Modeling CTP ship?
A. The technologies included in this CTP will become part of a future major version of Microsoft SQL Server.
Q. Where can I learn more about the SQL Server Modeling CTP?
A. The latest Community Technology Preview release, samples and documentation can be found on the MSDN Data Developer Center http://msdn.microsoft.com/data.
Q. Where can I learn more about the “M” language and the “M” Specification Community?
A. Please refer to the ”M” Questions and Answers.
Q. How does the SQL Server Modeling CTP relate to Visual Studio?
The SQL Server Modeling CTP will provide additional capabilities to the Visual Studio family to support the authoring, manipulation, and sharing of models and development of model-driven applications.
- Developers will be able to author models using the "M" language in Visual Studio.
- Models stored in the SQL Server Modeling Services can be queried and analyzed using standard Visual Studio database tools.
- We expect partners to provide a number of different domain specific experiences in Visual Studio over the SQL Server Modeling Services.
Q. How does the SQL Server Modeling CTP relate to the Azure Services Platform?
The Azure Services Platform uses models in many areas including solution architecture, deployment, management, and access control. The SQL Server Modeling CTP team is working with the teams building cloud infrastructure and services to identify opportunities to best leverage these technologies.
Q. How does the SQL Server Modeling CTP relate to the SQL Azure Platform?
If you’ve created and/or populated a database using “M” or “Quadrant”, that database can be deployed to the cloud just like any other. The SQL Server Modeling CTP team is working with the teams building SQL Azure to identify opportunities to better leverage these technologies.
Q. How does the SQL Server Modeling CTP relate to the Entity Framework (EF)?
The SQL Server Modeling technologies fully embrace EF as a primary mechanism for applications to access databases.
Q. How does the SQL Server Modeling CTP relate to the Entity Data Model (EDM)?
The SQL Server Modeling technologies fully embrace EDM as a primary mechanism for applications to model data. We’re also working on deeper alignment between the “M” language and EDM, such as allowing direct expression of EDM concepts like associations and navigation properties in “M”.
Q. How does the SQL Server Modeling CTP relate to .NET?
The CTP is related to the .NET Framework in two principal ways:
- The SQL Server Modeling CTP is providing capabilities into the .NET Framework to make it easier for developers to create model-driven applications.
- Many parts of the .NET Framework itself are already model-driven. The SQL Server Modeling CTP will drive consistency in how .NET Framework components implement a model-driven approach in the future.
6つめの Q&A、Oslo は "will become part of a future major version of Microsoft SQL Server." ( Oslo は、 SQL Server の将来のメジャーバージョンの一部となるだろう )。
やぱし、 SQL Server の一部ですか…
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