[.NET] フィードバック - MSTest: ClassCleanup() のタイミングを早くしてほしい ( その2 )
長らく動きがなかったのですが、 今週の月曜だったかにステータスが "Closed (External)" に変わり、 そして 1時間半ほど前に再び "Active" に変わりました。
Closed (External) …って? (@@;
connect のヘルプを見ると、 こうなってます。
What do the various feedback resolutions mean?
Feedback submitted to Microsoft is resolved with one of the following resolutions:* Fixed - The code has been changed to resolve the problem.
* Not Reproducible - Our engineers are unable to duplicate the problem, perhaps because of a previously applied fix in the code.
* By Design - The behavior reported is known and is working as intended or at least as expected.
* Won't Fix - We know that we will not be addressing the reported issue, usually because it risks breaking the code in other, more serious ways or because the effort to fix the issue is not justified for the improvement.
* Duplicate - We already have a bug or suggestion for this issue.
* Postponed - The issue will not be fixed in the upcoming release, but will be considered for future releases.
* External - The issue has been assigned to another group, but the other group's status for the issue is not available to our database.
どうやら、 別のグループに担当が変わったようです。
| 固定リンク
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