[.NET] DI コンテナ "Unity Application Block"
ついこのあいだ CTP の話を聞いたばかりのような… f(^^;
MS download center: Unity Application Block
Brief Description
The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container.File Name: Unity Application Block 1.0.msi
Version: 1.0
Date Published: 4/4/2008
Language: English
Download Size: 4.1 MB
The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container. It facilitates building loosely coupled applications and provides developers with the following advantages:
* simplified object creation, especially for hierarchical object structures and dependencies.
* abstraction of requirements; this allows developers to specify dependencies at run time or in configuration and simplify management of crosscutting concerns.
* increased flexibility by deferring component configuration to the container.
* service location capability; this allows clients to store or cache the container.
patterns & parctices が本家みたいです。
patterns & practices - Unity
NAnduブログ ( CTP の時の記事 ) より
[EntLib] Unity + ObjectBuilder2
■ Unity とは
Enterprise Library の次期リリースである 4.0 に取り込まれる DI コンテナ。ObjectBuilder のメジャーバージョンアップである ObjectBuilder2 を内部で使用している。
あ、 もう MSDN ライブラリにも入ってますね。 ( 英語だけど。 )
・ Unity Application Block
・ Unity Application Block - April 2008 Introduction to Unity
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